We had such a laugh the other day when we read this article on social media from Storm, our digital lifesaver.

She is always such a treat to have in the salon!

This is what she wrote:

So I just had my legs waxed, for the first time in 13 years…

After “popping in” to a local St Francis beauty bar, I enjoyed a fabulous foot scrub and mini massage. My toes are now ready for the (hopefully) summer weather and I am ready to rock a new pair of elegant sandals.
Yes. Me. Elegant. Like a real lady 

Anyway, for some unknown reason, I finally let the local beautician talk me into a leg wax, after 3 sessions of not-so-subtle hinting…

Personally, I find myself compelled to shave maybe once every three months. Especially in winter, when my soft Chewbaca coat keeps me a little warmer. With summer creeping in, I thought a more effective change in my hair removal strategy might be a good idea?
What an idiot…

I entered the torture chamber and exposed my furry femurs to Sinazo, the mistress of torture that was about to rip the top three layers of my skin off. She teased me with the comfort of rolling on the warm wax, like I was about to be pampered even more. And then it started…

Without warning, the roots of my leg hairs were ripped through my own pores, at an astounding speed! This executioner knew what she was doing!

The “lady-like’ language started pouring out of my mouth, muffled by nervous laughter and my own hand, trying to protect outside salon goers from my cries of pain.
Why do women do this to themselves?
Why did I listen to the not-so-subtle suggestions of waxing instead of buying a razor and doing this the painless way?

I could hear Snazo’s sadistic giggles in between each rip, until I lost the feeling in my leg and felt the pain no more. This is what regret feels like… and then it started again with the next leg!

“Faut souffrir pour être belle”
A timeless French quotation that translates to “One must suffer to be beautiful”.
I finally understand what that means.

When I was released from the torture chamber and stepped outside, the cool St Francis wind stroked my silky-smooth calves and I ran my hand over them, like they were satin sheets. With the pain having dispersed from my body, so did the regret.

I strutted my baby-bum legs down the street to my favourite office-spot, Tails and Thyme, and am now wondering when I will be going back for my next wax…
My legs feel so good, I will totally do it again 

So what is the benefits of waxing?

  • It lasts longer than shaving because it pulls the hair from the roots.
  • No cuts or nicks from the razor
  • No rashes on sensitive skin like shaving
  • Waxing makes the hair grow slower and finer
  • Results lasts longer than shaving

So, if you can tolerate a little discomfort, the benefits of waxing may well be worth the effort!

Wax on,hair off. Smooth and silky legs!